Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Pretty Little Steps | A Fresh Start.

Hello Lovely's!
I am back. Fresh faced and ready for a year of blogging and what not. I decided a fresh start was in order because I had left the other one for far too long and I wanted a new start to become more proffesional. So I suppose I better start by saying who I am and what this blog is going to be about.

So this is me, quite glammed up and using my new app called picfx, but there you go. My name is Louisa Mary, i'm 21 and from the steel city, Sheffield. I am studying Hair & Media Make-up Level 3 and completely determined to make it in the make-up industry working on film. It's taken me a long time (and money) to realise what I want to do, but i'm glad i've realised my dreams so young on.

I love anything to do with make-up. It's an obsession that I don't think will ever shift. I love anything pretty, sparkly, fluffy, floral, pink or girly. I also play on the xbox, a bit of a nerdy gamer if i'm honest.

Why 'Pretty Little Steps'?
I was going to call this blog 'Louisa Mary Loves', but then I feel like it has to be everything I love and what not. Pretty Little Steps are what i'm taking. Small steps in the direction I want to go. It isn't going to happen overnight. So that is why I decided on that name.

What can you expect to see?
Well obviously I am going to be posting about work i'm doing at college, and doing reviews on my kit. My college is sponsored by Illamasqua so my kit consists of their products, so expect a lot of that. I will also be doing reviews on other products that I like/dislike. I will be posting some lifestyle posts and posts on my life like I did before, I also have an iPhone5 now, so expect Instaposts and Instaweeks. I will try and post OOTD's and NOTD's, but to be honest i'm not very fashionable so we will see. There also may be a weight loss journey.

I've sort of got into the hang of twitter now, so I will be following you lovely's back and interacting more to make new friends and what not. I'm glad to be getting back into it and i'm glad that some of you have stuck by me and waited for me :)

For the future?
I hope to go to blogger meet ups and meet some of you fabulous people, and to just expand and get myself out there, networking :)

So, here's to the future of Pretty Little Steps and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Follow me on twitter :- @Louisamaryy & Instagram :- Louisamary

Love, Louisa


  1. I've missed reading your posts, welcome back :D I too have finally re-joined Twitter I hated it at first.

    Just Smile.
